今回、10月14~18日にイギリス・ニューカッスルにて開催された上級講習会を受講しました。私自身2度目の上級講習会受講であり、いずれもBBTA主催の講習会です。今回はWalkergate Park, Centre For Neurorehabilitation and Neuropsychiatryというセンターで、『Optimising Rehab in the Complex Patient』というテーマでした。TutorはDebbie Strang, ACIとClare Fraser, BCIです。
Thank you for everything Debbie and Clare.
October 14th to 18th I attended the advance course held in New Castle, England.
It was my 2nd advance course, and both courses were BBTA recognized.
The venue was at Walkergate Park Centre for Neurorehabilitation and Neuropsychiatry, and the theme was “Optimising Rehab in the Complex Patient”. Course leaders were Debbie Strang ACI and Clare Fraser BCI.
True to the theme “complex” the patients in treatment demonstration and practicals were patients of severity that I have not experienced that much at a course. The demonstration in particular was the climax as the patient was well built, low toned in the trunk and around the proximal joints, and to top it off had strong spasm in the hemiplegic upper and lower limbs and needed to people to help him up.
The demonstration was lead by Debbie on the first 2 days, and by Clare on days 3 and 4. Every session was easy to follow as the movement analysis was undergone through biomechanics, and the setting of environment and selection of postural set had a neurological explanation. Also as the handling technique was done in detail and the daily difference could be seen I was overwhelmed.
In the same way, the patients in the treatment practical were of complex severity and we used MBCP the discuss what way we were to proceed, and with that we could see the daily carryover. The thing that struck me most happened when I took the initiative in treatment session. I had a feeling of fulfillment because no matter how hard it was to understand my ideas and reasoning in English, I was heard out and when we were up to a big challenge we all worked hard. Although language was a barrier ,we all had the sensation from our hands to share , and that built up the feeling of fulfillment as we were fellows of the same group. I am deeply grateful to my fellow course members.
Debbie and Clare were very kind and encouraged me when I was confused. The hospitality that I felt has made me strongly want to be tutors like them. I promise to continue my training to fulfill that.
Thank you for everything Debbie and Clare
(訳 山本朋子)