先日開催されましたMovement Analysis CourseとAdvanced Courseに中国からQiang GAOさんが受講生として参加されました。以下コメントをいただきました。
The Japanese Bobath Therapists give me a very good impression. All of the tutors and the participants are friendly and enthusiastic. During the study, they are conscientious and active. They treat patients carefully, with dedicated attitude.
I am very honored to be invited by Toshie to come to Japan. I take two advanced Bobath courses in Japan this time, 8 days totally. The courses are really good and useful, they are not only assessment and handling techniques, but also clinical reasoning and all the concepts that we should apply in our daily working. Gerlinde, Gabi and Toshie gave us the class, through theory to practice, with the light of wisdom all through the teaching. I would like to share what I learned from the courses and spread the Bobath concept in China, to help more Chinese therapists and patients.
I thank all the teachers, the observe tutors and helpers, and all the classmates.
Qiang GAO
Associate Professor, Physiotherapist, Master’s supervisor
Rehabilitation Medicine Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University
今回、石田先生のお誘いを受けて日本の講習会に参加できたことは本当に光栄に感じています。Movement Analysts Courseと上級講習会の2つに、合計8日間参加させて頂きました。講習会は、分析やハンドリングテクニックだけでなく、リーズニングや日常の治療の中で用いるべきコンセプトの全てが含まれていて、とても臨床に結びついた内容で勉強になりました。
(訳:沖 真由香)