2024年7月5日から7日にかけて、香港理学療法士協会主催でボバースイントロダクトリーモジュールが開催されました。講師には、ボバース基礎講習会インストラクターの塚田直樹氏(Rehabilitation Plus)と古澤浩生氏(リハビリテーション天草病院)、アシスタントとして関根陽平(リハビリテーション天草病院)が参加しました。
- 期間: 2024年7月5日~7日
- 参加者数: 18名
- 言語: 英語
- 会場: 総合運動施設内の会議室、レッスンスタジオ
Introduction to the Bobath Introductory Module in Hong Kong
The Bobath Introductory Module was held from July 5 to 7, 2024, hosted by the Hong Kong Association of Physiotherapists. Naoki Tsukada (Rehabilitation Plus) and Hiroo Furusawa (Rehabilitation Amakusa Hospital), instructors of the Bobath Basic Course, and Yohei Sekine (Rehabilitation Amakusa Hospital) participated as assistants.
Outline of the event
・Period: July 5-7, 2024
・Number of participants: 18
・Language: English
・Venue: Conference room and lesson studio in the sports complex
The lectures were focused on the neurological background of the Bobath concept. And the practical sessions were focused on problem solving based on individualization and clinical reasoning in standing, sitting, supine, and walking. The patient demonstration was a chronic phase patient characterized by hyper-activity on the non-paralyzed side. Students experienced the assessment and treatment process through practical sessions, and had a valuable opportunity to learn about the instructor’s clinical reasoning through the demonstration.
Participants’ Reactions
Many participants commented that they found the experience of specific assessment and treatment interventions and the learning gained through the patient demonstrations very meaningful. Hong Kong physiotherapists continue studying to update their qualifications, and their skills in functional movement analysis were very impressive.
I believe that this kind of international training is an important opportunity not only to improve the skills of physical therapists, but also to make a significant contribution to the local healthcare environment.